Sunday, November 21, 2010


   There are times in ones life when they come to a crossroad and they have to redefine who they are.  I believe the people you surround yourself with should be able to accept you for who you are but is able to accept the challenge of being honest with you even if it means hurting your feelings.  With that said here is the definiton of friendship for those of you who have forgotten.

a person who gives assistance
a person who gives support
a person who is loyal
a person who honors the relationship
a person who is on good terms with another
a person who is not hostile
a person you know well
a person you regard with affection 
a person you trust
a person with whom you are acquainted

     I have realized I have went to long letting people in my life who I've trusted only to get hurt by their actions.  Some of these individuals I've come to understand they have never cared, if they have cared their actions are inappropriate.  I know at times I've swayed from the person I was taught to be but I've realized it ... hence the blog.  I was watching a show tonight, I look up and surprise surprise they are talking about two different kinds of personalities people portray, 'two parts of a person, a trader or an angel'.  While watching to this show I thought how weird it was to be hearing this discussion at the precise moment I was writing this blog.  Then I thought how simple 'trader or an angel' sums up how I was feeling.  Take my husband for instance an angel, my son (of course) and angel (duh), 2 friends of mine (no names) ANGELS ... the list can go on and on but the first step is realizing, second is coming to terms and the last is forgiving.  You would think I would be saying 'at this moment forgiveness is not in my vocabulary blah blah blah' but it's funny because I'm actually not upset.  In my heart I believe it's because I have an awesome husband and a healthy son which makes me complete.  For those friends I can trust I am blessed to know I have them in my life.  I know I can count on them when I need a good laugh, a shoulder to cry on, advice to give and clothes to share (which is a bonus)!!!
     At the moment I'm smiling, I look around and I know I'm loved; My heart is full of happiness and I know that could make the world bright forever. 



Wednesday, November 10, 2010

     Today is Veterans Day and I would like to thank all the Veterans in my life.  My husband SSG Anthony Roberts, my twin brother George Salas, 3-7 FA Schofield Barracks Hawaii, all of my fellow friends and all of the men and women who had served or are still serving.  Anthony gets a four day weekend and you think we would be doing countless things but to be honest we don't have anything planned, just relaxing!  I'm pretty sure we will have a nice lunch out somewhere or we might BBQ, hmm BBQing sounds good!  
     Thanksgiving is coming up, I'm excited because Ayden is old enough to help cook!  He's been helping me cook alot, I tell him to grab his stool, wash his hands and off we go!  We made pumpkin chocolate chip bars the other day, the recipe was actually supposed to be cookies but bars sounded much better ... and easier.  They didn't turn out so well, didn't taste that 'pumpkiney' to me so I think I will have to tweak the recipe.  Our ball is also coming up, we won free tickets which is awesome because our child care is $10/hr!  I'm excited to go to the ball because I know no one will have my dress, a girls worst nightmare to look around and see someone else in the same dress, it's a NO go!  I'm going to attempt to do my own hair which might turn out to be a disaster but that's ok, it's long enough to just curl, pin up and be done .. nothing fancy!
     Other than that I've just been busy with the gym and helping Ayden learn to count, he has 1-15 down; colors, red needs more attention; attempting ABC's and he's been talking so much lately, which is so heartwarming to hear!  He's had a bit of a cold and has ALL FOUR molars coming in, a couple of times we've noticed his gums bleeding, tear!  Potty training is going great, most of the time he comes up to me saying 'potty' and he goes ... funny thing is as I was typing this he came up to me and said 'potty' and he went ... we did the 'YEAYYYY' dance!!!
     Well that is what's going on in our lives at the moment, it's time to get off and go 'splash splash', bath time if you didn't catch that one!
     Until next time ....
* We've got the whole wide world in our yards to explore, now it's time for us to have a snack, meet you next time when we're back, we're your friends, THE BACKYARDIGANS *


He was a bit grumpy, can you tell?

He was watching Dora, there was a witch flying, he grabbed his broom and hat then said HE HE HE! 


It was character day at school, he went as a college student!

The Roberts Halloween 2010!